Hey everybody!
So this week started with an exchange to south Sheilds! I was there with Elder Saolatoga. (Austrailia) and Elder Koojiman (Holland) and it was so fun! Monday night we went and had FHE with this less active family and the kids were so crazy quiet! Like dead silent! I am not used to that! The one wants to get baptised so that is great and the mother promised to cook me some African meals when I go over next which is either tonight or tommorow! Then back at the flat we played Phase 10 :)
Tuesday - the best part of the day was seeing a less active named David. He is a great guy and LOVES comics!!!! GUESS WHAT! GUESS WHAT! GUESS WHAT EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE IS A CANADIAN SUPER HERO OTHER THAN WOLVERINE!!!! (yes! Wolverine is Canadian!) I got pictures of the comics and it was just so great to have fun looking at the North Guard! Apparently there is a great lakes team of Avengers and a Captain Canuck as well! hahahahahahaha SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday was district meeting and I think that it has been the best one so far because of the missionary's reactions and participation in it! Then in the evening I took my FIRST AND LAST UK driving lesson! BOY DOES IT EVER FEEL GOOD TO BE BACK BEHIND THE WHEEL! I like the roundabouts as well! It really is great once you get the hang of it.
Thursday the best part of the day was doing service for this house of students that needed their yard tidied up but just didn't have the time. We have been in contact with the students and they say that they will be coming to the church soon to the sport night and to have a look around! I am pretty excited about that because it is going SOOOOO WELL!
Friday was SO crazy! So the main crazy things were Elder M is gone! He got transferred to south Sheilds and Elder Soalatoga to somewhere else in the mission. I nearly had a heart attack because the assistants called and paused after they had asked if President had called me yet......one word....frightening...haha not really but yes. So when that happened we had to leave the house of the less active that we just arrived at to let Elder M practice his drum performance for the talent show that night at the chapel. We got home, ordered pizza, packed Elder M and then said goodbye. The ZL's picked him up and we went to the chapel for the talent show. It was so fun! Apprently it is on youtube....if you find it....please just remember, I am still silly old me :P
Saturdays most exciting activities happened in the morning when we got a call from our Chinese member saying that he had found a friend that we could teach at the Newcastle chapel and that would come to the baptism and Chinese New Year celebration! Elder Li was so happy! He was like a kid at Christmas because that is what Chinese new year is to him. btw it is the year of the horse! So while we were there he taught her completely in Chinese because she cant speak English that well. I felt like the penguins off of Madagascar, "Just smile and wave boys, Just smile and wave..." . Haha. It was great anyways though :)
We had an authentic Chinese Hot Pot! Sorry, I feel so bad because I forgot to take pics. I will repent mom. But anyways, it was delicious!!!! After we were done the metro ride home was crazy because Newcastle and Sunderland football teams played and we were honeslty worried that we would get mugged or beaten up hahahahahaha......then I fell asleep. :P I woke up with a 2 drunk guys sitting beside us trying to hit on this girl from London and completely burning out ! hahahahahhahahahhahaahh!!!! SO funny! She was really nice and would like to meet US soon though :P
Sunday - Probably best Sunday that I have enjoyed here. All in all it was a good day. I bore my testimony and listened to many wonderful ones. After we had a huge lunch appointment with the stake patriarch and that was great! Talked about how rugby is the best sport on earth (kind of biased) and then we went to Roker to give Bill (72 year old man) the sacrament. When we were coming home I saw a mustang and HAD to talk to the guy and compliment his car. There are not many over here so he appreciated it and wants to talk to us and learn more :) Then we went to Mavis, had gammon steak with pineapple and then got dumplings from our chineese member. Then played phase 10 at the flat oh and twister! hahahahahaha it was just great !
Well now I am off to Newcastle to watch the super bowl!!!!
Have a great week!
Your are in my prayers
Elder Dotschkat
The Canadian Super Hero |